Koleksi Penerbitan


15 Dec 2014

Abstrak Bahan Baru Disember 2014 (Bahagian 2)

Abstrak Bahan Baru Disember 2014 (Bahagian 2)

21.       Herberholz, D & Herbaholz, B. Artworks for elementary teachers: Developing artistic and perceptual awareness (9th ed.)

CALL NO: 372.5044 HER

Well-researched and complete with art images, the ninth edition of Artworks for Elementary Teachers serves elementary education majors with little or no prior background in art. It provides introductory experiences both in knowing how to create art and how to respond to it. The four areas of study in discipline-based art education--aesthetics, art production, art criticism and art history--are covered thoroughly and have been thoroughly updated to include the latest in state and national standards.

22.       Smith, K . J. (2012). The nature of mathematics (12th ed.)

CALL NO: 510 SMI 1

Experience mathematics--and develop problem-solving skills that will benefit you throughout your life--with THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS. Karl Smith introduces you to proven problem-solving techniques and shows you how to use these techniques to solve unfamiliar problems that you encounter in your day-to-day world. You'll find coverage of interesting historical topics, and practical applications to real-world settings and situations, such as finance (amortization, installment buying, annuities) and voting. With Smith's guidance, you'll both understand mathematical concepts and master the techniques.

23.       Kleiner, F. S. (2013). Gardener’s art through the ages: a global history (14th ed.)

CALL NO: 709.024 KLE

The market-leading text for the art history survey course, GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES has served as a comprehensive and thoughtfully crafted guide to the defining phases of the world's artistic tradition. The story of art unfolds in its full historical, social, religious, economic, and cultural context, deepening students' understanding of art, architecture, painting, and sculpture. This Concise version features color photographs, a stunning design, and the most current research and scholarship. What's more, the ancillary package that accompanies GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: A CONCISE HISTORY features a wealth of tools to enhance your students' experience in the course. With each new copy of the book, students receive a copy of the ArtStudy CD-ROM-an interactive electronic study aid that fully integrates with the text and includes hundreds of high-quality digital images, plus maps, quizzes, and more.

24.       Pica, R. (2013). Experiences in movement & music : birth to age eight (5th ed.)

CALL NO: 372.8623 PIC

Experiences in music and movement, fifth edition, helps you develop a movement – oriented setting for teaching children ages birth to eight years. In addition to providing a complete, ready – to – implement movement program, the author presents techniques for weaving movement and music into your day and across your curriculum. Ample resources and appendices include websites and other sources for ordering music, instruments, equipment, and props, and more.

25.       Mayesky, M. (2003). How to foster creativity in all children.

CALL NO: 372.1321 MAY

How to Foster Creativity in All Children is designed for those dedicated to helping young children reach their full potential. This book has also been written for people who want to know more about creativity, creative children, creative teaching and creative activities in all areas of the curriculum. In our world of rapidly changing technology, it is even more crucial to encourage and cherish creativity in all children. Young children will need to know how to ask questions and search for answers. Creativity is not limited to the art medium; it also extends to every curriculum area. This book was written to help present creative learning opportunities for children throughout the curriculum.

26.       Poole, D. (2015). Linear algebra a modern introduction (4th ed.)

CALL NO: 512.523 POO

David Poole's innovative book prepares students to make the transition from the computational aspects of the course to the theoretical by emphasizing vectors and geometric intuition from the start. Designed for a one- or two-semester introductory course and written in simple, "mathematical English" the book presents interesting examples before abstraction. This immediately follows up theoretical discussion with further examples and a variety of applications drawn from a number of disciplines, which reinforces the practical utility of the math, and helps students from a variety of backgrounds and learning styles stay connected to the concepts they are learning. Poole's approach helps students succeed in this course by learning vectors and vector geometry first in order to visualize and understand the meaning of the calculations that they will encounter and develop mathematical maturity for thinking abstractly.

27.       Coles, D. & Copeland, T. (2002). Numeracy and mathematics across the primary curriculum.

CALL NO: 372.7044094121bCOL

The key to good primary teaching of numeracy and mathematics is confidence in mathematical knowledge and its relevance to the real world. In particular, effective implementation of the National Numeracy Strategy requires student teachers, primary teachers and mathematics coordinators to realize the place of mathematics across the range of National Curriculum subjects.
This book explores mathematics as a set of tools for thinking about, designing, evaluating and changing the world of the child through the broader curriculum, rather than focusing on skills and concept building exclusively in the ‘mathematical world.’ Practical activities are included to stimulate readers to apply these ideas with confidence both within and beyond the mathematics lesson.

28.       Bates, J. K. (2000). Becoming an art teacher.

CALL NO: 707.12 BAT

This book introduces the student to the field of teaching, discusses theory and practice of Art Education, and synthesizes and prepares students to make the transition from student to Art teacher. It presents art education as an integration of philosophy, history, theory, and practice. Bates illustrates how to apply theory to practice as an art educator. Models, methods, and experiences are provided to enlighten, inspire, and amuse. BECOMING AN ART TEACHER is a refreshing approach to art methods.

29.       Anderson, W. M & Lawrence, J. E. (2014). Integrating music into the elementary classroom (9th ed)

CALL NO: 372.87044 AND

The market-leading text for the Elementary School Music Methods course, INTEGRATING MUSIC IN THE ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM was the first to emphasize the theme of integrating music throughout the school day. Anderson and Lawrence show future educators how to make music an effective part of the entire elementary curriculum. The text introduces the songs, instruments, sources of age-appropriate music, and methods of making music in a multicultural environment--making the text perfect for students with no prior knowledge of the fundamentals of music. With easy-to-use techniques for teaching young children how to sing, play instruments, move to music, create music, listen to music, and understand music, this text relates music to all subject areas. Notably, the authors provide sample lesson plans for kindergarten through grade six, along with more than 150 songs from different cultures and historical. 

30.       Muliyadi Mahamood. (2011). Seni lukis moden Malaysia: era perintis hingga era pluralis (1930 – 1990).

CALL NO: 709.595 MUL
Seni Lukis Moden Malaysia Era Perintis Hingga Era Pluralis (1930-1990) ini ditulis bagi tujuan mendedahkan para pembaca kepada sejarah perkembangan seni tanah air dari tahun 1930-an hingga 1990-an. Di samping suatu dokumentasi tentang perkembangan seni lukis Malaysia, buku ini turut menekankan peri pentingnya pendidikan seni di kalangan remaja dan masyarakat. Seni lukis merupakan sebahagian daripada hasil kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa; justeru itu, menghayati karya-karya seni akan membolehkan seseorang itu mengenali nilai-nilai tertentu dalam sesebuah masyarakat yang melahirkannya.
Buku ini mengupas perkembangan seni lukis moden Malaysia dengan memfokus kepada stail ataupun gaya sesebuah kumpulan, aliran, serta pelukis tertentu. Ini dilakukan dengan melihat perkembangannya dari satu dekad ke dekad yang lain, menerusi bab-bab yang dirangka dengan mengambil kira faktor perubahan masa serta kumpulan pelukis. Pendekatan ini diharapkan berupaya mempertingkatkan kefahaman pembaca dalam proses mengapresiasi seni yang melibatkan aspek bentuk, makna, dan konteks penghasilan sesebuah karya.

31.      Stewart, J. (2010). Concepts and contexts calculus.

CALL NO: 515.22 STE
Stewart's CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, 4e, INTERNATIONAL METRIC EDITION offers a streamlined approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting those with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, INTERNATIONAL METRIC EDITION is highly regarded because this text offers a balance of theory and conceptual work to satisfy more progressive programs as well as those who are more comfortable teaching in a more traditional fashion. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning.

32.       Audersirk, T., Audesirk, G & Byers, B. E. (2011). Biology: life on earth with physiology.


Known for its thorough coverage of diversity, ecology, and environmental issues, this comprehensive book engages you with integrated, relevant case studies, and challenges you with thought-provoking questions throughout each chapter.   

The fully revised Biology: Life on Earth with Physiology, Ninth Edition, has the same friendly writing style appreciated by thousands of students, but with greater emphasis on engaging, real-world applications. New to this edition are “Case Study Continued” sections, which connect a chapter’s case study to relevant biological topics covered in the chapter, and “Have you ever wondered?” features that respond to commonly asked questions from students. Thoroughly revised illustrations and expanded critical thinking questions have been added to each chapter.   

For courses not covering plant and animal anatomy & physiology, an alternate version—Biology: Life on Earth, Ninth Edition is also available.

33.       Coutinho, S. C. (1999). The mathematics of ciphers: number theory and RSA cryptography.

CALL NO: 512.7 COU

This book is an introduction to the algorithmic aspects of number theory and its application to cryptography, with special emphasis on the RSA crptosystem. It covers many of the familiar topics of elementary number theory, all with an algorithmic twist. The text also includes many interesting historical notes.

34.       Gardner, H. (1982). Art, mind & brain: a cognitive approach to creativity.

CALL NO: 700.19 GAR

In a provocative discussion of the sources of human creativity, Gardner explores all aspects of the subject, from the young child’s ability to learn a new song through Mozart’s conceiving a complete symphony.

35.       Housecroft, C. E & Constable, E. C. (2010). Chemistry:an introduction to organic,inorganic and physical chemistry (4th ed.)


Chemistry provides a robust coverage of the different branches of chemistry with unique depth in organic chemistry in an introductory text helping students to develop a solid understanding of chemical principles, how they interconnect and how they can be applied to our lives. "Covers Physical Chemistry in an accessible format for first years...good for covering the gap between varied levels of knowledge from different schools' curricula and the much more demanding University courses." Dr. Kataky, DEPT OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM

36.       Barnett, R. A., Zieglar, M. R, Byleen, K. E & Sobecki, D. (2009). Precalculus graph & models (3rd ed.)


The Barnett Graphs & Models series in college algebra and precalculus maximizes student comprehension by emphasizing computational skills, real-world data analysis and modeling, and problem solving rather than mathematical theory. Many examples feature side-by-side algebraic and graphical solutions, and each is followed by a matched problem for the student to work. This active involvement in the learning process helps students develop a more thorough understanding of concepts and processes. A hallmark of the Barnett series, the function concept serves as a unifying theme. A major objective of this book is to develop a library of elementary functions, including their important properties and uses. Employing this library as a basic working tool, students will be able to proceed through this course with greater confidence and understanding as they first learn to recognize the graph of a function and then learn to analyze the graph and use it to solve the problem. Applications included throughout the text give the student substantial experience in solving and modeling real world problems in an effort to convince even the most skeptical student that mathematics is really useful.

37.       Esa Khalid & Mohd Azhar Abd Hamid. (2004). Beberapa aspek tamadun Melayu, India, China dan Jepun.

Beberapa Aspek Tamadun Melayu, India, China dan Jepun merupakan hasil penulisan pensyarah yang mengajar mata pelajaran Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asas di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. TITAS 2 ialah mata pelajaran elektif yang diwajibkan di semua Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam di Malaysia. Justeru, penulis cuba menyelusuri dan memaparkan empat tamadun penting Asia, iaitu Melayu, India, China dan Jepun. Secara umumnya, kandungan buku ini diolah secara deskriptif dan penekanan kandungannya dibuat secara faktual, konseptual dan kefalsafahan. Buku ini sarat dengan nilai, etika dan pemikiran yang mampu memberikan kefahaman dan kesedaran kepada pelajar khususnya tentang harga sebuah peradaban. Buku ini juga memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca tentang betapa hebatnya tamadun Asia dalam konteks membangunkan bangsa Asia menjadi satu bangsa yang bermaruah dan disegani di dunia. Dunia mengakui bahawa keempat-empat tamadun ini telah memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam pelbagai dimensi kehidupan manusia – politik, ekonomi, sosial, teknologi, budaya, pemikiran dan nilai–nilai luhur, sama ada dalam konteks tradisi mahu pun kontemporari. Paling menarik, tiga daripada empat tamadun yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini memberi kesan langsung kepada masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia, iaitu Melayu, Cina dan India. Oleh yang demikian, paparan keempat-empat tamadun ini diharapkan dapat memberi nilai tambah kepada masyarakat Melayu, Cina dan India untuk lebih memahami, menghargai dan menghormati antara satu sama lain. Buku ini merupakan rujukan tambahan kepada beberapa buah buku yang ada di pasaran. Buku ini amat sesuai dibaca oleh semua golongan khususnya para pelajar yang mengambil mata pelajaran TITAS 2. Selain itu, buku ini juga sesuai dibaca oleh sesiapa juga yang berminat untuk memperluas pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan keempat–empat tamadun ini. Justeru, diharapkan agar buku ini mampu memberikan kefahaman yang jelas tentang beberapa aspek tamadun Asia – Melayu, India, China dan Jepun.

38.       Idris Aman. (2014). Analisis wacana.

CALL NO: 808.02 IDR
Analisis wacana adalah salah satu cabang ilmu yang terangkum dalam disiplin linguistik. Analisis Wacana juga memberi pendedahan awal berkaitan wacana tertentu yang merangkumi penjelasan konsep dan dipermudahkan pemahamannya dengan mengemukakan beberapa contoh analisis. Sejajar dengan dengan perkembangan ilmu analisis wacana kini, buku ini juga bukan sahaja bergerak untuk matlamat kritis. Sembilan bab pertama berkisar pada matlamat deskriptif, manakala bab akhir adalah tentang matlamat kritis. Penekanan lebih kepada deskriptif kerana bahagian ini adalah topik – topik asas dalam analisis wacana yang perlu dikuasai. Matlamat deskriptif meliputi analisis dimensi tekstual dan dimensi kewacanaan, amanakala matlamat kritis memfokus kepada pemanfaatan analisi wacana untuk memahami dimensi lain di luar wacana, khususnya dalam masyarakat, seperti proses dan praktis sosial. Namun begitu, pada penghujung buku ini turut dimuatkan soalan perbincangan dan analisis bagi memberi kefahaman yang lebih kepada para pembaca, malah ada antara soalan berkenaan boleh mencetuskan kajian lanjut. Konsep atau istilah tertentu turut diberikan dalam bahasa inggeris supaya pembaca boleh mengetahui konsep berkenaan dan boleh merujuk lanjut buku dalam bahasa tersebut.

39.       Roff, W. R. (2003). Nasionalisme melayu.

CALL NO: 320.54009595 ROF

Roff bukan sahaja mengisi sesuatu kekosongan, bahkan telah menulis sesuatu  yang wajarnya dapat diistilahkan sebagai sejarah sosialogis yang pertama tentang masyrakat Melayu moden. Buku ini bukanlah sebuah karya sejarah yang berupa pemeriksaan terhadap perubahan sosial yang ditimbulkan oleh keadaan sekeliling yang berubah, iaitu munculnya golongan atasan yang baru dalam lapangan politik yang menjadi inti analisisnya.
Kita diperkenalkan dengan tiga golongan atasan, yang berbeza – beza kerana asal – usul sosial mereka dan yang lebih penting lagi, oleh orientasi pendidikan dan seterusnya kebudayaan dan politik mereka. Yang mula – mula di antara mereka datang daripada borjois Islam yang warak, yang kebanyakan tinggal di Negeri – negeri Selat. Golongan yang kedua ialah intelek Melayu. Mereka memperoleh pendidikan di sekolah – sekolah Melayu dan datang daripada kalangan petani dan bukan daripada latar belakang kota. Golongan yang ketiga ialah orang – orang Melayu rapat dengan istana serta mendapat pendidikan Inggeris. Oleh sebab mereka menikmati kedudukan dan kemudahan tradisional serta pendidikan moden, maka golongan ini, dengan hubungan rapatnya dengan penjajah, menjadi golongan yang dominan dalam perjuangan nasionalisme Melayu.

40.       Tan, Y. S. (2010). Isu bahasa, etnik dan pembinaan negara bangsa dalam sistem pendidikan Malaysia.

CALL NO: 370.9595 TAN

Isu bahasa, etnik dan pembinaan negara bangsa amat sinonim dalam sistem pendidikan negara ini. Buku ini mengupas isu – isu tersebut dengan meninjau beberapa aspek seperti:

·         Kedudukan pendidikan bahasa ibunda etnik minoriti yang dipinggirkan oleh pendidikan aliran perdana
·         Punca dan implikasi pengasingan etnik dalam sistem pendidikan
·         Keberkesanan langakah – langkah menghapuskan pengasingan etnik yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan
·         Pelaksanaan dasar pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris pada peringkat sekolah rendah
·         Perubahan dasar bahasa dalam sistem pendidikan dan impaknya terhadap pembinaan negara bangsa
·         Cabaran mengintegrasikan pelajar sekolah rendah

Huraian isu – isu pendidikan dalam buku ini sesuai dibaca oleh pensyarah dan pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi, terutamanya sebagau bahan bacaan tambahan dalam kursus Hubungan Etnik. Selain itu, ia juga sesuai dibaca oleh pegawai pendidikan, pentadbir dan guru sekolah yang ingin memahami isu – isu pendidikan yang memperlihatkan kepentingan sosiobudaya dan politik di negara ini.