Koleksi Penerbitan


15 Dec 2014

Abstrak Bahan Baru Disember 2014 (Bahagian 1)

Abstrak Bahan Baru Disember 2014 (Bahagian 1)

1.       Julismah Jani, NorKhalid Salimin, Mohd Izwan Shahril, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali. (2004). Model – model pentaksiran dalam pendidikan jasmani.

CALL NO: 613.710711 JUL

Buku ini mengandungi lima bab iaitu Penilaian dan Pentaksiran, Model Jay dalam Pendidikan Jasmani, Pentaksiran Komprehensif Berdasarkan Model K, Penyeliaan Stor Sukan Berdasarkan Model IMPAK dan Model CIPP dalam Pendidikan Jasmani. Lima objektif utama buku ini adalah (1) membincangkan penilaian dan pentaksiran dalam konteks mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, (2) memperkenalkan Model JAY sebagai satu instrumen pentaksiran dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, (3) memperkenalkan Pentaksiran Komprehensif berdasarkan Model K sebagai satu instrumen pentaksiran dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, (4) memperkenalkan Model IMPAK sebagai satu instrumen penyeliaan stor sukan dan (5) memperkenalkan Model CIPP sebagai satu indtrumen penilaian pelaksanaan mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani. Amalan pentaksiran mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani masa kini memerlukan satu transformasi selaras dengan fokus utama dalam pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Keperluan mengaplikasikan model-model pentaksiran yang terkandung dalam buku ini diharap dapat memacu kehendak dan aspirasi transformasi kurikulum yang sedang dilaksanakan ketika ini.

2.       Ahmad Adam. (2006). Melayu, nasionalisme radikal dan pembinaan bangsa.

CALL NO: 305.89923 AHM

Kendati pun sejarah orang Melayu dalam gerakan kebangsaan di Malaysia telah pernah ditulis, tetapi tidak banyak pengarang yang dengan jelas cuba mentakrifkan siapa dia yang disebut Melayu itu dan bagaimana, di sebalik keterikatan orang Melayu kepada nilai-nilai tradisionalnya, agama Islam masih tetap berperanan ampuh dalam mencitrakan budaya dan kerangka nilai bangsa ini hingga ke zaman sekarang. Berbekalkan nilai-nilai inilah, baik yang bersifat keagamaan mahupun adat, orang Melayu mengharungi perubahan menuju kemodenan dan ini diejawantahkan dalam gerakan politik dan Islam radikal yang cuba menggembleng orang Meayu menentang penjajahan British. Buku ini menghimpun kan beberapa esei yang ditulis berdasarkan penyelidikan, untuk cuba membicarakan sejarah asal-usul bangsa Melayu dalam konteks gugusan kepulauan Melayu, pembentukan jati diri, dan kaitannya dengan gagasan” kemelayuan”, serta kesedaran kebangsaan yang lahir sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua akibat sentuhan pengaruh dari seberang Selat Melaka. Secara khusus buku ini menumpukan perhatian kepada sejarah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan politik radikal dalam kalangan orang Melayu dan cuba membahaskan tanggapan serta respons mereka terhadap keberadaan bangsa-bangsa bukan Melayu dalam upaya pembentukan suatu bangsa Malaya dan kemudiannya Malaysia.

3.       Idris Aman. (2006). Bahasa dan kepimpinan: Analisis wacana Mahathir Mohamad.

CALL NO: 810.5108835 IDR

Kajian wacana kepimpinan Mahathir ini menerapkan kerangka teoretikal Analisis Wacana Kritis, satu pendekatan yang prihatin dan mengikut wacana sebagai sebahagian proses sosial yang dimajukan oleh Norman Fairclough. Kerangka tersebut menelusuri wacana daripada tiga dimensi: interpretasi aspek amalan wacana, huraian fitur tekstualnya, dan penjelasan proses sosial yang tumpat di dalamnya berasaskan hubungan dialektiknya dengan dapatan daripada dua dimensi yang pertama itu. Daripada dimensi yang pertama, iaitu analisis amalan wacana didapati wacana kepimpinan tersebut dihasilkan dengan penglibatan aktif pewacana sendiri, disebarkan serta ditransformasikan dengan memadai, dan dibina bagi kepentingan bersama antara pemimpin dan rakyat. Di samping itu, wacana kepimpinan ini juga didapati mengamalkan pendekatan memahamkan khalayak serta menarik kebersamaan mereka melalui pemanfaatan unsur intertekstualiti yang tidak rencam dan interdiskursiviti beberapa jenis wacana lain, iaitu laporan, penerangan, hujahan, dan ekspresi. Daripada dimensi yang kedua, iaitu analisis tekstual pula, didapati wacana tersebut banyak memanfaatkan modaliti imperatif permintaan yang bersifat obligasi pelbagai aras, metafora pertanian dan api, kata kemiliteran, dan kata alternatif. Daripada dapatan analisis dua dimensi di atas, kemudiannya melalui dimensi yang ketiga, iaitu analisis sosial dirumuskan bahawa di dalam wacana yang dikaji ini tumpat dua praktis kepimpinan, iaitu kepimpinan orientasi khalayak dan kepimpinan tegas.

4.       Hall, S. J. (2012). Basic biomechanics.

CALL NO: 612.76 HAL

The seventh edition of Basic Biomechanics has been significantly updated from the previous edition. The approach taken remains an integrated balance of qualitative and quantitative examples, applications, and problems designed to illustrate the principles discussed. The seventh edition also retains the important sensitivity to the fact that some beginning students of biomechanics possess weak backgrounds in mathematics. For this reason, it includes numerous sample problems and applications, along with practical advice on approaching quantitative problems.

      With balanced, integrated coverage of applied anatomy, mechanical principles, and relevant sport and daily living applications, this text introduces you to the basics of biomechanics. The quantitative aspects of biomechanics are presented in a manageable, progressive fashion, with practical advice on approaching both qualitative and quantitative problems in biomechanics.

5.       Ho, H. L. (2004). Darurat: Keadaan sosial di Tanah Melayu 1948 – 1960.

CALL NO: 959.5 HOH
Buku ini bertujuan untuk meneliti keadaan sosial di Tanah Melayu pada zaman Darurat. Empat aspek utama yang menjadi tumpuan perbincangan ialah kehidupan penduduk, hubungan kaum, pendidikan, dan kemudahan asas. 
Kehidupan penduduk Tanah Melayu yang begitu sukar dan tidak terjamin pada zaman Darurat akan dipaparkan. Keadaan itu adalah hasil daripada keganasan komunis dan tindakan kerajaan dalam menanganinya. 
Buku ini meneliti perkembangan yang berlaku pada zaman Darurat yang menyebabkan meningkatnya ketegangan hubungan antara kaum di Tanah Melayu, khasnya di antara orang Melayu dengan orang Cina. Selain itu, buku ini juga memaparkan tindakan komunis terhadap sekolah, khasnya sekolah Cina di Tanah Melayu. Justeru, kesan dan kepentingan Darurat terhadap perkembangan pendidikan di Tanah Melayu juga diberi perhatian.

6.       Hamedi Mohd Adnan. (2013). Majalah Melayu selepas perang.

CALL NO: 070.57209595 HAM

Penerbitan majalah dapat dilakukan dengan sempurna seandainya penerbit memberikan pertimbangan yang saksama kepada tiga elemen yang menjadi tiangnya, iaitu editorial, sirkulasi, dan iklan. Kandungan editorial bertanggungjawab untuk menarik pembaca dan dengan demikian akan meningkatkan sirkulasi. Peningkatan sirkulasi pula selalunya mendorong peningkatan pendapatan daripada iklan. Untuk membolehkan majalah bertahan di pasaran, ketiga-tiga tiang haruslah bantu-membantu, samalah seperti sebuah kerusi; untuk selesa diduduki, masing-masing tiang kerusi mestilah kukuh dan seimbang. Jika salah satu tiang lemah atau tidak seimbang dengan yang lain, kerusi akan goyang dan mungkin tumbang. Bagaimanakah situasi editorial majalah Melayu selepas Perang? Mampukah kandungan editorial majalah menarik perhatian pembaca sehingga sirkulasinya meningkat? Bagaimanakah pula dengan sambutan pengiklan terhadap ruang-ruang iklan yang disediakan oleh majalah Melayu? Dan akhirnya, adakah penerbitan majalah Melayu pada periode itu menguntungkan? Inilah antara persoalan yang akan dikupas dalam buku ini.

7.       Edwards, C. H. (2008). Classroom discipline & management (5th ed.)

CALL NO: 371.5 EDW

With this respected resource as a guide, teachers will be able to explore different approaches to classroom discipline and integrate them with their personal philosophies. Throughout the pages, emphasis is placed on informed decision making where the teacher must have an understanding of the assumptions behind a disciplinary approach as well as the theory and practical applications of that approach. The Fifth Edition also offers the latest research into multicultural education and conflict resolution.

8.       Wuest, D. A & Fisette, J. L . (2012). Foundations of physical education, exercise science and sports medicine and atheletic training (18th ed.)

CALL NO: 613.71 WUE

The eighteenth edition of Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport emphasizes the role of culturally competent professionals in meeting the needs of our increasingly diverse population and in promoting lifespan participation in physical activity for all people. Up-to-date statistics and information are provided on health and physical activity levels, career preparation and professional paths within physical education, exercise science, and sport. This edition retains its strong coverage of the foundations of motor behavior, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology, the sociology of sport, and physical education pedagogy. The text also emphasizes preparation for a diversity of careers in a variety of settings, addressing areas that include teaching, coaching, exercise leadership, athletic and personal training, sport management, and sport media.

9.       Prentice, W. E. (2011). Rehabilition techniques for sports medicine and atheletic training (5th ed.)

CALL NO: 617.1027 PRE

Designed for the athletic trainer and sports therapist, this is the definitive guide to the management of sports injuries. Experts from the field of sports medicine have contributed to this comprehensive, updated edition, which addresses all aspects of rehabilitation, including protocols for rehabilitating the wide variety of injuries athletes are prone to receive. Pros and con of various rehabilitative modalities are discussed, as well as currently accepted techniques. This text is recognized as a handbook for any practitioners who manage rehabilitation programs for injured athletes.

10.       Magill, R & Anderson, D. (2011). Motor learning and control (10th ed.)

CALL NO: 152.334 MAG

Designed for introductory students, this text provides the reader with a solid research base and defines difficult material by identifying concepts and demonstrating applications for each of those concepts. "Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications" also includes references for all relevant material to encourage students to examine the research for themselves.

11.       Keenan, T & Evans, S. (2009). An introduction to child development (2nd ed.)


An Introduction to Child Development, Second Edition has been fully updated and now includes some new chapters. It still provides undergraduate students in psychology and students in other disciplines who undertake the study of child development with a text that provides a comprehensive survey of the main areas of child development, from infancy through to adolescence.

12.       Weinstein, S. C & Romana, M. E. (2011). Elementary classroom management lessons from research and practice (6th ed.)

CALL NO: 371.1024 WEI

Weinstein, Elementary Classroom Management highlights philosophies and actual management practices of five real teachers. These teachers work in different subjects and in diverse classroom settings. Their stories provide real-life illustrations of the concepts and principles derived from research.

13.       Wan Liz Ozman Wan Omar. (2000). Mengurus agenda abad 21.

CALL NO: 158.1 LIZ

Vision towards the 21st century in Malaysia, with emphasis on Islam, industry, politics, and socio-economy.

14.       Latham, D. (2002). How children learn to write.

CALL NO: 372.623 LAT

'This book is a useful addition to any staff library. What makes it different to many other similar books is that it shows teachers that speaking, listening and reading create the foundations for writing. Tested in schools, staff said: "It is a very useful framework for action-research based upon secure theory. When deciding classroom strategies, it is easy to find what you are looking for and the chapter summaries are very helpful. Some of the staff development and training suggestions are very practical and we are trying them out. We found the emphasis upon class novels and the class discussion that follows, very important, especially when linked to the excellent examples of children's writing." This book may appear to some as theoretical and 'academic', but this is why it will be valuable. It does what the title says because it shows how children learn to write. It starts at the beginning and saves diving into the latest trend.Perhaps its best recommendation is that every school that was asked to look at it said, 'It's good and we have ordered a copy' - John Lilly, independent education consultant 'The chapter on the Taxonomy of Writing Purposes will be useful for planning and those on extending and enhancing writing will definitely be helpful in many day-to-day situations' - Nicholas Bielby, Times Educational Supplement This book outlines the processes which are involved when children learn to write. The author shows how certain strategies can improve children's progress in writing. Dealing with the age range three to 13, the book addresses issues to do with: - the gender gap - children with English as an additional language - left-handedness Dorothy Latham includes ideas for sound and easy ongoing assessment of writing. The book is written in line with the requirements of the English National Curriculum and The National Literacy Strategy Framework for England, but is not limited to them.Topics also covered include: - brain development and structures - the acquisition of speech - language and thinking - working memory - secretarial skills - stages in compositional development - writing purposes and cross-curricular applications - strategies for improving self-generated writing - using reading to improve writing - using speech and drama to improve writing and - ten ways to improve children's writing. This book is for serving teachers in schools wishing to study the subject in further depth, and as a source book for students. Useful for school-based staff INSET, it provides simple activities for teachers to do and discuss.

15.       Fromkin, V., Rodman, R & Hyam, N. An introduction to language (10th ed.)


AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE is ideal for use at all levels and in many different areas of instruction, including education, languages, psychology, anthropology, English, teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), and linguistics. All chapters in this best-seller have been revised to reflect recent discoveries and new understanding of linguistics and languages.

16.       Shaefer, C. E. (2011). Foundations of play therapy (2th ed.)

CALL NO: 618.92891653 FOU

Edited by Charles E. Schaefer—the "father of play therapy"—Foundations of Play Therapy, Second Edition is a complete, state-of-the-art guide to the many diverse approaches to, and methods used in, play therapy practice with children and adolescents.

Featuring an expert panel of contributors, this comprehensive reference provides up-to-date and insightful coverage of all of the major theoretical models of play therapy and offers practical examples for the application of each model, including:

·         Narrative play therapy
·         Solution-focused play therapy
·         Experiential play therapy
·         Release play therapy
·         Integrative play therapy
·         Psychoanalytic approaches to play therapy
·         Child-centered play therapy
·         Gestalt play therapy
·         Family play therapy
·         Cognitive behavioral play therapy
·         Prescriptive play therapy

Written for therapists looking for guidance on how to incorporate play therapy into their practice, as well as students or those in need of a refresher on the latest methods and techniques, Foundations of Play Therapy, Second Edition is a standard-setting resource presenting pragmatic and useful information for therapists at all levels of training.

17.       Fullan, M. (2005). Fundamental change.

CALL NO: 370.19 FUN

The chapters in this volume are divided into three broad categories: (1) those dealing with macro educational change at the societal level (2) those relating to large scale initiatives based on particular reform strategies (3) those pertaining to fundamental transformations of professional development strategies, indeed to fundamental reform in the profession of teaching itself.
There has been a growing dissatisfaction over the past two decades about the slow pace of educational reform. Whatever successes that have been obtained have been confined to individual schools what succeeded here and there. Missing was any sense that educational change could be accomplished on a large scale sustained basis.
The chapters in this book attempt to push forward on the agenda of fundamental change. This volume (part of 4 volumes) is the third section in the International Handbook of Educational Change.

18.       De Franza, J & Gangliardi, D. (2009). Introduction to linear algebra with applications.

CALL NO: 512.5 DEF

Linear Algebra with Applications is an introductory text targeted to second or advanced first year undergraduates in engineering or mathematics. The organization of this text is motivated by the authors' experience which tells them what essential concepts should be mastered by students in a one semester undergraduate Linear Algebra course. The authors' main objectives are to fully develop each topic before moving on and to connect topics naturally. The authors take great care to meet both these objectives, because this organization will allow instructors teaching from this text to stay on task so that each topic can be covered with the depth required before progressing to the next logical one. As a result the reader is prepared for each new unit and there is no need to repeat a concept in a subsequent chapter when it is utilized.
This text is geared towards an introductory linear algebra course taken by first or second year undergraduate students. However, it offers the opportunity to introduce the importance of abstraction, not only in mathematics, but in many other areas where Linear Algebra is used. The textbook’s approach is to take advantage of this opportunity by presenting abstract vector spaces as early as possible. Throughout the text, the authors are mindful of the difficulties that students at this level have with abstraction and introduce new concepts first through examples which gently illustrate the idea. To motivate the definition of an abstract vector space, and the subtle concept of linear independence, the authors use addition and scalar multiplication of vectors in Euclidean Space. The authors have strived to create a balance between computation, problem solving, and abstraction. This approach equips students with the necessary skills and problem solving strategies in an abstract setting that allows for a greater understanding and appreciation for the numerous applications of the subject.

19.       Callaway, G & Kear, M. (1999). Teaching art and design in the primary school.

CALL NO: 372.50440941 CAL

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

20.       Bittinger, M. L., Ellenbogen, D. J & Surgent, S. A. (2012). Calculus and its application (10th ed.)


Calculus and Its Applications, Tenth Edition, remains a best-selling text because of its accessible presentation that anticipates student needs. The writing style is ideal for today’s readers, providing intuitive explanations that work with the carefully crafted artwork to help them visualize new calculus concepts. Additionally, the text’s numerous and up-to-date applications from business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences help motivate readers. Algebra diagnostic and review material is available for those who need to strengthen basic skills. Every aspect of this revision is designed to motivate and help readers to more readily understand and apply the mathematics.

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